Post categorized under: Pooled SARS-CoV-2 Surveillance
All too often in the conversation COVID-19 testing, two factors are lost: Pragmatism and Cost. Our Microarray platform can deliver highly effective Pooled Surveillance that can provide an early warning among groups at a dramatically lower cost than individual testing. The world is coming around to our way of thinking. Explore this promising area in the fight against the pandemic.
- Covid-19: Study findings strongly support use of pooled testing, say researchers
In a preprint of a COVID-19 study, pooled testing was able to save up to 76% of RNA extraction reagents and time associated with the step. Batching samples from the same house, school, or workspace is a strong solution to reduce total tests required while prevalence is low. Read full article »
- Pooled COVID-19 testing can help keep kids in school
Massachusetts has seen COVID-19 related hospitalizations rise 46 percent since late September. As a result, schools are looking for ways to keep students in session. Pooled COVID-19 testing may be the answer. More here »
- Duke Study Highlights Importance of Asymptomatic Testing
A recently published study, based on on-campus testing data from the fall semester, addressed pooled surveillance in a University setting. According to the study, many of the asymptomatic individuals who tested positive had a high viral load, causing concern that although symptom-free, they may have shed virus. Read full article »
- Wyoming Department Of Health Offers Free COVID-19 Surveillance Testing For Businesses
After a spike from 2% positivity to over 20% in the past month, Wyoming officials are looking for ways to keep businesses open while reducing the risk of outbreaks. One identified solution offered is for Wyoming-based employees to be surveilled, regardless of symptoms, for COVID-19 free of charge. Full article here »
- COVID surveillance, education enhanced after gatherings fuel Hopi outbreak
An outbreak in the Hopi Tribe has led to increased COVDI-19 protocols. According to the study, symptomatic individuals without an active diagnosis seem to be the culprit, leading to a push for surveillance. More details here »
- Kauai to increase COVID-19 surveillance testing as number of active cases climbs
Mayor Derek Kawakami has indicated the city island will increase surveillance as a result of a spike in local cases. Free testing will be available on a weekly basis, which is on top of the already established mandatory pre-travel testing. More details here »
- White House Coronavirus coordinator visits over 20 universities – impressed with surveillance efforts
During a visit to University of Connecticut, Dr. Birx, Coordinator of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, was impressed to see the efforts being made to curtail outbreaks. Read full article »
- Pooled wastewater samples piloted in heavy use facilities such as dorms effective for finding SARS-CoV-2
A preprint study is now available that outlines wastewater surveillance using pooled testing. Pooled testing reduces the reagents and other consumables used while maintaining high sensitivity and specificity. Read full article »
- Tufts University launches study looking at benefits of pooled screening on school children
Researchers at Tufts University are working with a K-12 school district to determine if pooled screening is a viable solution for mitigation of SARS-CoV-2. To date, they have collected over 2,000 samples that, when pooled, are analyzed side by side with a single analysis swab. Read more here »
- State University of New York announces results of pooled testing
SUNY Plattsburg has implemented a surveillance program for on and off-campus students to combat COVID-19 outbreaks on campus. The school just released the results of the fourth round of pooled testing, which revealed no new cases. Read more here »
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